He had the following children:
F i Eliza Burton
Emily L Rierson [Parents]
Cornelia Ada Rierson [Parents]
Sarah E Rierson [Parents]
Elijah Rierson [Parents] was born 1808. He married Elizabeth Reddick.
Elizabeth Reddick [Parents].Elizabeth Reddick [Parents] married Elijah Rierson.
They had the following children:
M i John W Rierson F ii Mary Rierson F iii Obedience Rierson F iv Julia Ann Rierson F v Adaline Rierson F vi Sarah A Rierson F vii Nancy Rierson F viii Minerva Rierson F ix Felicia Rierson F x Malissa Rierson F xi Amanda L Rierson F xii Cornelia E Rierson F xiii Jetty Rierson M xiv Walter Rierson M xv Hardin W Rierson
He had the following children:
F i Elizabeth Reddick
Jacob H Hicks.Jacob H Hicks married Obedience Rierson.
Obedience Rierson [Parents] was born 1840 in Stokes Co, North Carolina. She married Jacob H Hicks.
Other marriages:Thornthrough, J.C.
J.C. Thornthrough.J.C. Thornthrough married Obedience Rierson.
Obedience Rierson [Parents] was born 1840 in Stokes Co, North Carolina. She married J.C. Thornthrough.
Other marriages:Hicks, Jacob H
J.W. Flinchum.J.W. Flinchum married Julia Ann Rierson.
Julia Ann Rierson [Parents] was born 1841 in Stokes Co, N.C.. She died 1924 in Stokes Co, N.C.. She married J.W. Flinchum.
Stephen Hicks.Stephen Hicks married Sarah A Rierson.
Sarah A Rierson [Parents] was born 1844 in Stokes Co, N.C.. She married Stephen Hicks.