Gilbert de Clare.Gilbert de Clare married Joan Plantagenet.
Joan Plantagenet [Parents] was born 1272. She died 1307. She married Gilbert de Clare.
Other marriages:de Monthermer, Ralf
They had the following children:
F i Eleanor de Clare
Ralf de Monthermer.Ralf de Monthermer married Joan Plantagenet.
Joan Plantagenet [Parents] was born 1272. She died 1307. She married Ralf de Monthermer.
Other marriages:de Clare, Gilbert
They had the following children:
M i Thomas de Monthermer
Edward I Plantagenet [Parents] was born 1239. He died 1307. He married Eleanor of Castile.
Eleanor of Castile [Parents].Eleanor of Castile [Parents] married Edward I Plantagenet.
They had the following children:
F i Joan Plantagenet
Henry III Plantagenet [Parents] was born 1207. He died 1272. He married Eleanor Berenger.
Eleanor Berenger [Parents].Eleanor Berenger [Parents] married Henry III Plantagenet.
They had the following children:
M i Edward I Plantagenet
Ferdinand Iii, King of Castile was born 1290.
He had the following children:
F i Eleanor of Castile
John Plantagenet [Parents] was born 1166. He married Isabel.
Isabel [Parents].Isabel [Parents] married John Plantagenet.
They had the following children:
M i Henry III Plantagenet
Henry II Plantagenet [Parents] was born 1133. He married Eleanor.
Eleanor [Parents].Eleanor [Parents] married Henry II Plantagenet.
They had the following children:
M i John Plantagenet
Thomas Heron Tyrrell, of [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i John Heron Tyrrell, of
Micajah Chiles [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Anne Chiles F ii Agatha Chiles
David , II Terrell [Parents] was born in Golansville, Caroline County, Va. He died 1805 in Campbell County, Va. He married Sarah Johnson 19 Jan 1749.
Other marriages:Goode, Sarah
Johnson, Patty
Sarah Johnson was born 10 Apr 1729. She married David , II Terrell 19 Jan 1749.