James R Hughes was born in Tn. He married Nettie Pennington.
Nettie Pennington was born in Tn. She married James R Hughes.
They had the following children:
M i William Kennedy Hughes M ii Abe Hughes. M iii John Hughes. F iv Lydia Hughes.
John Wesley Dearing [Parents] was born 18 Nov 1816 in Allen Co, Ky. He died 11 Jun 1891 in Franklin Co, Il. He was buried in County Line Cemetery. He married Martha Elizabeth Holloway 1843.
Martha Elizabeth Holloway was born 5 Sep 1818 in Sumner Co, Tennessee. She died 1 Jan 1892 in Franklin Co, Il. She was buried in County Line Cemetery. She married John Wesley Dearing 1843.
They had the following children:
M i John Henry Dearing Twin F ii Martha H Dearing Twin M iii William M Dearing. M iv George W Dearing M v James Breckenridge Dearing F vi Elizabeth E Dearing. F vii Rebecca Isabel Dearing
John W Dearing [Parents] was born 1783 in Rockingham Co, NC. He died 1860 in Northern Missouri. He married Elizabeth Browles.
Elizabeth Browles [Parents] was born 1789 in Washington Co, Tn. She married John W Dearing.
They had the following children:
F i Nancy Dearing M ii Zebediah Payne Dearing M iii Quinn M Dearing. M iv John Dearing.
Zebediah Payne Dearing [Parents] was born 28 Mar 1807 in NC. He died 2 Jun 1882 in Putnam Co, Tn. He was buried in West Graveyard, Putnam, Tn. He married Sarah Yount.
Sarah Yount [Parents] was born 23 Sep 1808 in Jackson Co, Tn. She died 16 Feb 1900 in Putnam Co, Tn. She was buried in West Graveyard, Putnam, Tn. She married Zebediah Payne Dearing.
They had the following children:
M i Jacob Madison Dearing M ii Elias Dearing was born 1833. F iii Polly Ann Dearing F iv Lydia Dearing F v Nancy Dearing F vi Rowena Dearing F vii Harriett Dearing F viii Susan Dearing M ix Noah Dearing M x John Woods Dearing M xi Ridley Dearing F xii America Dearing
Jacob Madison Dearing [Parents] was born 27 Jan 1829 in White City, Tn. He married Eunice Catherin McGee.
Eunice Catherin McGee.Eunice Catherin McGee married Jacob Madison Dearing.
They had the following children:
M i Halliburton Dearing M ii James Jacob Dearing
He had the following children:
F i Dorothea Creigler
Nicholas Broyles [Parents] was born Ab 1732 in Spotsylvania, Va. He died 1814 in Washington Co, Tn. He married Dorothea Creigler Abt 1756 in Culpeper, Va.
Dorothea Creigler [Parents] was born 1740 in Orange Co, Va. She died 1789 in Washington Co, Tn. She married Nicholas Broyles Abt 1756 in Culpeper, Va.
They had the following children:
F i Rosina Broyles. F ii Daniel Broyles. F iii Elizabeth Broyles M iv Abraham Broyles
Hans Jacob A Broyle was born 26 Mar 1705 in Otisheim, Germany. He died 1763. He married Maria Catherina Fleischmann Abt 1727 in Spotsylvania, Va.
Maria Catherina Fleischmann was born 26 Jan 1704 in Neurenburg, Germany. She died 1776. She married Hans Jacob A Broyle Abt 1727 in Spotsylvania, Va.
They had the following children:
M i Nicholas Broyles
William Knoblet died 1847. He married Elizabeth Noblet Green 18 Jun 1846 in Crawford Co, Ar.
Elizabeth Noblet Green was born 3 Feb 1833 in Illinois. She died 3 Sep 1909 in West Fork, Washington Co, Ar. She married William Knoblet 18 Jun 1846 in Crawford Co, Ar.
Other marriages:Dearing, Elihu Roger
William Kennedy Hughes [Parents] was born 14 Mar 1856 in Ozark, Franklin Co, Ark. He died 19 Dec 1931 in West Fork, Washington Co, Ark. He married Buelah Aft 1922.
Other marriages:Dearing, Sarah Elizabeth