They had the following children:
Thomas Ballard [Parents] was born 1600 in Of Southwell, Nottingham, Eng. He died 23 Oct 1642 in Edgehill Battle, N, England. He married Anne Thomas.
Anne Thomas was born 1616. She married Thomas Ballard.
They had the following children:
Henry Ballard [Parents] was born Abt 1575 in St. Mary, Southall, Nottingham, Eng. He died Aft 1642 in , Warwick, Eng. He married Elizabeth Townsend 1599 in , , Eng.
Elizabeth Townsend was born 1577 in Of Tenterton, Kent, Eng. She died Bef 1637 in Southwell, Notthingamshire, Eng. She married Henry Ballard 1599 in , , Eng.
They had the following children:
William Ballard [Parents] was born 1557 in Of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, Eng. He died 1605 in Southwell, Notthingamshire, Eng. He married Anne Lunn 1579 in , , Eng.
Anne Lunn was born Abt 1558 in Of Welby, Nottingham, Eng. She died Bef 1605 in Southwell, Notthingam, Eng. She married William Ballard 1579 in , , Eng.
They had the following children:
Phillip Ballard was born 1517 in Of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, Eng. He married Joanna Fitswilliam Abt 1539 in Of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, Eng.
Joanna Fitswilliam was born Abt 1530 in Of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, Eng. She died in , , Eng. She married Phillip Ballard Abt 1539 in Of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, Eng.
They had the following children:
William Ballard was born Abt 1686 in James City, Va. He died Aft 1754 in , Essex, Va. He married Lee or Ludwell Philadelphia Abt 1698 in Of Essex Co, Va.
Lee or Ludwell Philadelphia was born 1686 in Essex City, Va. She died Abt 1698 in Of Essex Co, Va. She married William Ballard Abt 1698 in Of Essex Co, Va.
They had the following children:
John Ballard [Parents].John Ballard [Parents] married Elizabeth Bland.
Elizabeth Bland.Elizabeth Bland married John Ballard.
They had the following children:
Thomas Clay.Thomas Clay married Susanna(h) Watkins.
Susanna(h) Watkins.Susanna(h) Watkins married Thomas Clay.
They had the following children:
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