William Vawter [Parents] was born 1757/1760. He died 1823. He married Mary Rucker.
Mary Rucker [Parents] was born Abt 1735. She married William Vawter.
Ephriam Rucker Lt.Col..Ephriam Rucker Lt.Col. married Margaret Vawter.
Margaret Vawter.Margaret Vawter married Ephriam Rucker Lt.Col..
They had the following children:
F i Mary Rucker
Philemon Vawter [Parents] was born 1762. He died 1814. He married Anna Vawter.
Anna Vawter [Parents] was born 1758. She died 1845. She married Philemon Vawter.
They had the following children:
F i Beverly Vawter
Achilles Stapp was born 1755. He died 1849. He married Margaret Vawter.
Margaret Vawter [Parents] was born 1763. She died 1813. She married Achilles Stapp.
John Gatewood.John Gatewood married Mary Vawter.
Mary Vawter [Parents] was born 1765/1769. She married John Gatewood.
John Vawter [Parents] was born Abt 1750. He died 1817 in Elbert Co., Ga. He was buried in Old Harmony Baptist Church, Dawsonville, Ga. He married Frankee Ward.
Other marriages:Vernon, Joanna
Frankee Ward [Parents] was born in of Culpeper Co, Va or Surry Co, NC. She married John Vawter.
They had the following children:
M i John Vawter F ii Frances "Frankey" Vawter M iii Richard Johnson Vawter F iv Sarah "Sally" Vawter M v James Vawter
They had the following children:
F i Frankee Ward
Russell Vawter [Parents] was born 1755. He died 1841 in N.C.. He married Mary Sparks.
Mary Sparks was born 1757. She died 1828. She married Russell Vawter.
John Breedlove.John Breedlove married Margaret Vawter.
Margaret Vawter [Parents] was born Abt 1762. She married John Breedlove.
Andrew Finks [Parents].Andrew Finks [Parents] married Lucy Vawter.
Lucy Vawter [Parents] was born Abt 1764. She married Andrew Finks.