James Harris Miller [Parents]
Other marriages:Williams, Jacquelin Rose
Andreas Pedersen was born 1727 in Naes, Kastrup, Praesto, Denmark. He died 16 Aug 1798 in Naes, Kastrup, Praesto, Denmark. He married Marthe Hansen 10 Feb 1754 in Naes, Kastrup, Praesto, Denmark.
Marthe Hansen was born 1728 in Naes, Kastrup, Praesto, Denmark. She married Andreas Pedersen 10 Feb 1754 in Naes, Kastrup, Praesto, Denmark.
They had the following children:
M i Mads Andreasen
Matthew Ivory.Matthew Ivory married Ann McNulty.
Ann McNulty.Ann McNulty married Matthew Ivory.
They had the following children:
M i Isaac Ivory
Casper Smith(Smick).Casper Smith(Smick) married Elizabeth Lloyd.
Elizabeth Lloyd.Elizabeth Lloyd married Casper Smith(Smick).
They had the following children:
F i Rachel (Natie) Smith
Johann Slaugh(Schlag) [Parents] was born 3 Sep 1783 in Grieshoff, U., Germany. He died 1850/1855 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Usa. He married Margaretha Hamman 29 Aug 1811 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Usa.
Margaretha Hamman [Parents] was born 23 Jul 1794 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Usa. She died 1 Oct 1887 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Usa. She married Johann Slaugh(Schlag) 29 Aug 1811 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Usa.
They had the following children:
M i George Jacob Slaugh
Johan Barthel Schlag.Johan Barthel Schlag married Maria Helena Anna Bartholmas.
Maria Helena Anna Bartholmas.Maria Helena Anna Bartholmas married Johan Barthel Schlag.
They had the following children:
M i Johann Slaugh(Schlag)
Philip Hamman.Philip Hamman married Elizabeth Roth.
Elizabeth Roth.Elizabeth Roth married Philip Hamman.
They had the following children:
F i Margaretha Hamman
Alta Luana Harris [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Daniel Jerome II Ringle Montana M ii David Mark Ringle F iii Debra Luana Ringle F iv Darlyn Ringle M v Donald Allen Ringle F vi Delane Ringle M vii Douglas Paul Ringle
Daniel Jerome II Ringle Montana [Parents]
Babara Lisa Wloch [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Babara Lisa Wloch