M.B. Vaughn [Parents] was born 1832. He married V. Katie Howerton 1894.
V. Katie Howerton.V. Katie Howerton married M.B. Vaughn 1894.
Joseph Vaughn [Parents] was born Bef 1790. He married Levena Carter.
Levena Carter.Levena Carter married Joseph Vaughn.
Russell [Parents].Russell [Parents] married Mary Jane Wilson.
Mary Jane Wilson [Parents] was born Abt 1846. She married Russell.
John Reddick.John Reddick married Sally Flynt.
Sally Flynt.Sally Flynt married John Reddick.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Eliza Reddick
R Green Phillips.R Green Phillips married Sarah R Wilson.
Sarah R Wilson [Parents] was born 18 Dec 1834. She married R Green Phillips.
They had the following children:
F i Martha Ann Phillips M ii Walter Scott Phillips
John Pinkney Reid (Sarah R's Cousin).John Pinkney Reid (Sarah R's Cousin) married Martha Ann Phillips.
Martha Ann Phillips [Parents] was born 24 Sep 1836. She died 1918. She married John Pinkney Reid (Sarah R's Cousin).
Walter Scott Phillips [Parents] was born 15 Feb 1838. He died 1918. He married Mary Frances Mitchell.
Mary Frances Mitchell.Mary Frances Mitchell married Walter Scott Phillips.
They had the following children:
F i Nancy J Phillips
John J Martin.John J Martin married Nancy J Phillips.
Nancy J Phillips [Parents] was born 9 May 1839. She married John J Martin.
They had the following children:
M i Robert H Martin Twin was born 13 Mar 1841. He died 1851. F ii Ruth H Martin Twin F iii Lebertha L Martin was born 13 Sep 1843. F iv Angeline Martin
William H Martin.William H Martin married Ruth H Martin Twin.
Ruth H Martin Twin [Parents] was born 13 Mar 1841. She married William H Martin.
Robert Albarty.Robert Albarty married Angeline Martin.
Angeline Martin [Parents] was born 1 Apr 1845. She married Robert Albarty.
They had the following children:
F i Elizabeth Prudence Albarty was born 5 Feb 1847. She died 1934. F ii Mary Eliza Albarty