He had the following children:
M i William M Russell M ii Russell
Samuel D. Reavis [Parents] was born 26 Feb 1793. He died 1877. He married Rebecca Steedman.
Rebecca Steedman was born 27 Oct 1798. She died 10 Jun 1857. She married Samuel D. Reavis.
They had the following children:
M i James Overton Reavis
David Reavis was born 16 Nov 1748 in NC. He died in Cooper Co, Missouri. He married Gemima Reed 18 Nov 1750 in Brunswick Co, Va.
Gemima Reed [Parents] was born 18 Nov 1750 in Brunswick Co, Va. She married David Reavis 18 Nov 1750 in Brunswick Co, Va.
They had the following children:
M i Samuel D. Reavis M ii Samuel D Reavis. F iii Rhoda Russell Reavis. M iv William Reavis. M v Edward Reavis. M vi Andrew Reavis. M vii Ashley Reavis. F viii Hannah Doyle Reavis. M ix Joseph Reavis. F x Elizabeth Reavis. F xi Sarah Reavis.
He had the following children:
F i Gemima Reed
William Head Jr [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Minerva Head
He had the following children:
M i William Head Jr
McClure.McClure married Ida Bell Dearing.
Ida Bell Dearing [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 13 Jan 1869 in Baker, Baker County, Or. She died 21 Oct 1944. She married McClure.
Other marriages:Overhouse, Louis
Samuel Nesbitt 11 [Parents] was born 1837. He died 1909. He married Agnes Fulton.
Other marriages:Lowman, Elizabeth
Agnes Fulton was born abt. 1840. She died Abt 1870. She married Samuel Nesbitt 11.
Otho Nesbitt [Parents] [scrapbook].
He had the following children:
F i Lillie Belle Nesbitt
Lillie Belle Nesbitt [Parents]