Benoni Nesbitt [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 18 Oct 1812 in Clear Spring, Md. He died 11 Apr 1897. He was buried in Xenia, Ohio.
He had the following children:
M i William B Nesbitt [scrapbook] was born 12 Nov 1839 in Ohio. He died 1922 in Ohio.
Other marriages:Prather,
They had the following children:
F i Mary (or Polly) Cownover
Other marriages:Covanhaven,
Wilfred Hammett died 1834. He married Mary Nesbitt 1829.
Mary Nesbitt [Parents] died 1855. She married Wilfred Hammett 1829.
Jonathan Nesbitt Jr [Parents] died 1877.
He had the following children:
M i Allen Nesbitt
David Stutesman was born Abt 1744. He married Martin.
Other marriages:Nesbitt, Anne
Martin.Martin married David Stutesman.
He had the following children:
F i Mary Lou Pearson
Jacob Slentz [Parents] was born 1758 in Hanover, Pa. He died 21 Jul 1840 in Westtownship, Columbiana Co, Ohio. He married Catherine.
Other marriages:, Mary
Catherine was born 1768. She died 4 Nov 1804. She was buried in St. Marks, South of Gettysburg, Pa. She married Jacob Slentz.
They had the following children:
F i Sarah Slentz M ii Phillip Slentz was born 9 Jan 1787 in Hanover, Pa. M iii Edmond Slentz. M iv John Slentz. M v Jacob Slentz II. M vi Joseph Slentz. F vii Bridget Slentz. F viii Catherine Slentz. F ix Mary Slentz.
Philip Slence Schlentz [Parents].Philip Slence Schlentz [Parents] married Bridget Melon.
Bridget Melon was born 1732. She died 31 Jan 1806. She married Philip Slence Schlentz.
They had the following children:
M i Jacob Slentz
He had the following children:
M i Philip Slence Schlentz